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感謝Sonia Wu吳筱涵翻譯 |
The world is full of bright, compassionate, and attractive women—which can make approaching them very difficult. With patience and just a little confidence, you can overcome your shyness and find yourself a girlfriend. This dating advice is tailored for people on the autism spectrum, but other disabled people and neurotypicals may also find it useful.
Steps 步驟 1.
Know that there are plenty of girls and women out there who are open to dating autistic people. Many autistic people fall in love, get married, and have kids—so clearly there are women out there who would be interested in dating you.
Steps 步驟2.
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穿著整齊、乾淨的衣服 |
Steps 步驟3
Recognize that you are desirable. Autism is a neurological difference, not a condemnation of ‘loserdom’. Autistic people in general are loyal, genuine, focused, kindhearted, educated, and original. All of these traits are appealing to women. Let your strengths shine through your actions, and potential girlfriends will naturally be attracted to you.
Steps 步驟4.
Observe how other people treat their girlfriends. Pay a
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向有女朋友的朋友們,請教對待女性的技巧。 |
多多觀察其他人如何對待他們的女朋友。注意一般人的肢體語言以及他們的說出來的話,什麼樣的話跟行為是讓人覺得在表達愛意、尊重別人以及體貼的。 如果你擔心一直盯著朋友看不禮貌的話,試著觀察電視節目裡的男女關係。 向有女朋友的朋友們,請教對待女性的技巧。
Steps 步驟5
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在你有興趣的社交場所中尋找女朋友 |
試著去了解女性。你可以透過酒吧、參加活動以及課堂上來結交到女性朋友,花點時間聽她們說話,可以幫助你了解她們以及幫助你們更靠近彼此 。在你有興趣的社交場所(如機器人社團或舞蹈課)中尋找女朋友,這樣還可以和自己的興趣做連結。
Steps 步驟6
Start a conversation. Prepare scripts beforehand if you’re worried about being nervous. Practice the scripts until you feel ready to start a conversation in real life. Here are some examples of things to say.
Introduce yourself. “Hi, I’m ____. What’s your name?” When she says her name, repeat it to yourself in your head so you don’t forget. Saying her name later on will tell her that you remember, and it will make her feel special. You can introduce yourself at the beginning of a conversation, or later on (e.g. “What’s your name, by the way? I’m ____.”)
Start with a compliment. “I was really impressed by your improvements to the robot,” “I love your bracelet,” or “Your hair looks nice.” She will most likely thank you, and perhaps return with a compliment. If she does, thank her.
Next ask a question like “How was your day?”, “What do the charms on your bracelet mean?” or “Have you got much work to do tonight?” It’s especially nice to ask her questions about the thing you complimented, or about something you have in common (e.g. about her thoughts on the class you take together). She’ll reply, and either go deeper into the answer with you, or ask you a question in return.
Speak when there is a long silence (about 15 seconds or more). 在長時間的沉默時開口說話(沉默超過15秒或更長的時間)
Avoid overwhelming her with questions. Whenever there is a silence, alternate between questions and things about your plans for example: “Last weekend I went to….” or “Tomorrow I’m going…”. This should get her to start asking you questions.
Let her do most of the talking. Many psychologists recommend the 70/30 rule: spent 70% of the time listening, and 30% of the time talking. This helps your conversation partner feel appreciated, and makes her want to talk to you again. If you find that you’re doing over half the talking, slow down and give her room to speak.
Steps 步驟7
If you do something strange, explain to her that you are autistic and sometimes don’t pick up on social cues. If you think you upset her, then apologize. She may already have known that you were a little different, but not wanted to ask about it for fear of being rude.
Explain the most relevant points of your disability, especially if she might misinterpret important signals. For example, if you have trouble recognizing social cues, you may want to explain that she should clarify before assuming that you don’t care about her. If you have trouble recognizing faces, tell her, so that she knows that you didn’t wave because you didn’t realize it was her.
Offer to answer any questions she has to the best of your ability. If she’s especially curious, point her to autistic-written resources from organizations like ASAN and the Autism Women’s Network.
盡量回答她任何的疑問。如果她特別好奇,可以請她上網搜尋「幫助高功能自閉及亞斯柏格」等自閉症相關網站 。
Neurotypicals tend to feel awkward when people mention disabilities. If she starts looking away or stuttering, she is probably a bit uncomfortable. Ask her if she feels uncomfortable, and if there’s anything that you can do to ease her mind. 一般人在對方提到自己有障礙時,通常會感到不自在,如果她開始左顧右盼或嗯嗯阿阿時,可能是她覺得有點不自在,你可以詢問她是不是聽到這個有感覺不舒服,然後你可以問她怎麼做,以幫她減輕不舒服感。
Most neurotypicals will react with support, confusion, or curiosity. However, if she responds badly, don’t take it personally—it is her ignorance that is the problem, not your autism, and you deserve better than someone who doesn’t respect who you are. You are fundamentally okay.
Steps 步驟8
Watch her body language to see if she’s interested in you.
If she smiles at you, touches your arms or torso, and talks a lot about her life, then she probably enjoys your company and considers you potential dating material.
If she usually gives short answers to all your questions, doesn’t say much to you, and leaves before you get the chance to talk to her much, then she’s probably not interested. It’s better to back off and find someone else.
If you can’t tell, ask a friend if they think she likes you. Friends can offer valuable insights, and many of them feel pleased that you trust their judgment. This is a very normal thing to do when you have a crush.
Steps 步驟9
Say hello whenever you see her. After a few conversations, you might want to arrange a meeting outside of the club/school/wherever you met her. You could invite her to movies, restaurants, events, gatherings of friends, et cetera.
Steps 步驟10
Continue building your relationship.
Ask her for advice and opinions. Many people love to share their thoughts, and they especially appreciate it when you listen to them and remember what they say.
Don’t be afraid of your quirks. Your stims, special interests, and idiosyncrasies are part of who you are. A girl who cares for you will find them sweet and unique.
Find areas of mutual interest and talk about those. If one of those is a special interest of yours, don’t be afraid to delve into it! Your passion and expertise may pleasantly surprise her. Simply follow the general rules of politeness: don’t monopolize the conversation, and let her change the subject if she wants. If you do that, you’ll be just fine.
Most of all, just be sweet. What every girl wants is just a kind, caring boyfriend. If you treat her well, she will be all yours
Steps 步驟11
Next comes officially asking her out. While she may ask you out, many girls follow the tradition of letting the guy doing the asking. If she has been flirting with you, take her to somewhere semi-private and tell her that you like her as more than a friend.
Steps 步驟12
Remember to give her space. Everyone goes through a period of infatuation where they can’t get enough of the person they like, and this can be especially true of autistic people. Remember that she needs to spend time with her other friends and solitary activities, so don’t crowd her if she’s busy or not interested in talking at the moment.
Before approaching her, look for signals that she’s open to conversation. If you can’t tell, ask her “Is now a good time to chat?”
If she’s hanging out with her friends, don’t join the conversation unless she beckons you over, the conversation pertains to you, or there is a lull in the conversation.
Let her initiate some of the conversations. This helps prevent you coming off as clingy. Trust that she’ll come to you.
Steps 步驟13
Tell her that you appreciate her. Go out of your way to give her gifts, compliment her, spend time together, and cheer her up when she’s feeling down. If you treat her like the most wonderful girl in the world, she’ll believe it, and she’ll love being your girlfriend.
Tips :
If you don’t know if she’s single, you can ask “So are you seeing anyone?” This is a common question that will tell you if she’s available and hint that you might like her.
如果你不知道她是不是單身,你可以問她「你現在有固定約會的對象嗎?」這是一個很稀鬆平常的事,而且可以看得出來她是不是有想要交往的意願,同時也向她透露你或許喜歡她。 (我個人建議說:「你週末/今天晚上/這個假日怎麼沒有跟男友去約會?」)
Be quick to apologize if you upset her. Explain why you did what you did, and express that you’re sorry you hurt her. Ask what you can do to make it up to her and avoid doing it again. This communicates that you care about her, and it’s the fastest way to make her forgive you.
Ask others for advice on finding girlfriends. Many people are eager to help and offer their expertise.
It’s natural to feel nervous before talking to or asking out a girl. Remember that many people (autistic and neurotypical) feel that way, and yet people continue to get married and have children all the time. Clearly a little nervousness won’t prevent a relationship from occurring.
Ask a sister or a close female friend for advice. In many cases she can talk to your crush and find out if she likes you back. If she doesn’t know your crush, she can still offer general advice on what ladies are looking for in relationships.
Consider finding an autistic girlfriend, especially one who shares your special interests. You may have a lot in common!